Oh, the passage of time can be a real motherfucker. The fact that the first half of the year is over is both obvious and terrifying to me. On one side, that’s how time works. On the other, I feel like I just wrote out my post about goals for this year last week. But, it’s true. It is now July and we are in the second half of 2024. So, it seems like a good time to provide some updates on my projects and get excited about the things I’ve done so far this year.
Looking at my completed projects so far there are three things I’m excited about for having gotten done so far in 2024. To be honest, I’m not working at the pace that I want to when it comes to creative projects. But, that is how lie goes. I am making sure I do the things I need to do when it comes to my work and family before I get to music and other creative things. I’m not going to beat myself up about it. After all, I’m doing this for the sake of creation and I’m not doing this as a form of providing financial support for myself or my family. It is purely for the love of doing it. That’s just the way it goes when I have to put music aside at times to be able to be the father and husband I want and need to be.
Also side note, if you aren’t using some kind of small project tracking system I highly recommend it. Even if it is just a simple list of this like “write a song” or “release an album” it can be incredibly helpful in staying on track when it comes to getting things done. It is also very helpful it you want to write a mid-year blog post about what you’ve done so far since you can just look up the completed things and decide what to include in the post without having to wrack one’s brain about what has happened so far in the year and if a project was done this or was that last year or I don’t know, what the hell is time anyways?
Back to the things I’ve done so far.
First, is a simple change to my site that has been really helpful. I created a Links page that I can use as the link in the bio of different social media profiles like my Instagram. Instead of using one of those services that can provide you a page where you can collect the various links I have my own that is on my own domain. It is very nice. It is especially helpful since I am using large, corporate social media sites less and less these days. This way I can have a link in the bio of that site and then if I don’t login and check it for weeks or a month or whatever it is still useful to someone who might somehow come across my profile.
Second is another website update. This year so far has been focused on housekeeping of my website which I like as now I can focus more on creative, music, fun stuff for the rest of the year. The update I made was creating a Donate page on my site. I also updated my Faircamp page with info on where Donations can be made. I give away all of my music for free under a Creative Commons license and I have set up a Donate page. Instead of asking folks for donations or tips to myself I am asking folks take a look at a list of charities that I found and consider making a donation to them with the money they would have spent on my music. If none of the charities resonate with folks I encourage donating to one that does. This way the music and art I put out into the world can hopefully drive some kind of support out to folks who could be really helped by it.
Third, I released a new track! There has been some new music creation done this year. I was part of a compilation of remixes as part of the Bonkwave community. It has been really awesome to find this group of music makers and creative folks on the internet. They are all very talented and working with them and connecting with them has been super rewarding. The remix I did is track seven on Not Bonk What I Call Wave: Remixes. It is titled Long Distance Transmission (attks th drknss – Short Interval Conveyance Remix). I wrote more about the track in a previous post.
That’s it! So far this year I have been really happy to work with and connect with a bunch of great folks. I hope to continue that and to release more music to the world. I still feel good about accomplishing my goals for 2024 and I’m looking forward to what the rest of the year brings!
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